Digital evaluation is revolutionizing higher education with accurate and ultra-speedy assessment results. Its rich functionality has led to greater convenience for the examining body and its evaluators. Prospering with new developments in the e-learning industry, digital evaluation will go a long way.
Exam answer sheet evaluation is a time-consuming yet crucial process for exams that are still administered through old-fashioned method. Teachers and examiners invest a lot of time and effort in checking each question, marking blank pages, assigning marks for each question, and tallying the total number of questions. The Digital Evaluation is the only option for all of these problems.
We provide an online internet-based evaluation module for conducting subjective evaluation by the Examiner and Head Examiner in an online mode from any remote location.
The solution involves scanning and uploading of answer booklets, registering Head Examiners and Examiners based on specific subjects, downloading the answer booklets at local computer at any remote location of the Examiner and Head Examiner, assigning answer booklets to Head Examiners and sharing results.
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