Digital Evaluation

Digital Evaluation

Digital evaluation is revolutionizing higher education with accurate and ultra-speedy assessment results. Its rich functionality has led to greater convenience for the examining body and its evaluators. Prospering with new developments in the e-learning industry, digital evaluation will go a long way.

What is Digital Evaluation?

Digital evaluation is a process in which the examiner or the evaluator can access the scanned script of the manual exam or online exam and can mark and evaluate they answers digitally. It comes with various user friendly tools with an evaluator can customize them according to their needs and requirements.


The Digital evaluation process is user-friendly, highly secure and it can be evaluated multiple times by higher authorities who’ve been authorized to do so. The sheets can be saved and can be easily accessed in future for re-evaluation etc.

Accurate and Efficient

Human hands always carry a probability of errors but in a digital process, the chances of error are minimal. Therefore, the sheets are evaluated with much more accuracy. Also, the digital process makes the data more organized with the facility of filtering for both the evaluator and the examinee by effectively processing the results and giving the output in a well-arranged format, either alphabetically or in the order of marked scored.

Quick and Convenient

Digital evaluation process is undoubtedly quick, as the evaluator doesn’t need to rustle into huge amount of sheets and calculate marks of hundreds of students. Even preserving these sheets is a tough task. The conventional method of evaluation is a hectic and time taking process as well. Therefore, through digital evaluation system the whole process can be easily executed!

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