Online Examination

Online Examination

Conducting an unbiased, safe and secure examination is a challenging task for academic institutions. Keeping an eye on every student, checking examination copies, calculating results and announcing them is a hectic process for the administration

To solve the issue and bring ease in the whole process through a digital medium is what we offer best.

IT Consulting

Advanced Anti-Cheat Technology is featured in our Online Examination System.

Using the latest technology, we are a top-notch platform for administering online tests and resolving all the preparation-related questions. We develop unique secure solutions for Tablet, Mobile, Laptop & Desktop based online exams with remote proctoring. The solution has enhanced operational efficiency via automation, data security, authentication and security control. It can curb malpractices and also provide a way to conduct regular exams on a large.


  • Photo Verification through Cognitive Services continuously at the interval of 5 minutes
  • Students can write exam from any location but will be monitored remotely
  • Exams are supported on Tablet devices/ Mobile phones/PC/ Laptops with web camera
  • System will take pictures of user assessment screens to detect any anomalies during the exam and to counter any allegations later
  • On selection Proctor will be able to hear audio of the entire duration of the exam
  • Students’ Computers/Tabs/Mobiles will be on locked mode; no pen drive and dual display monitors, will be allowed. A student can only see the exam screen
  • Students cannot visit any other site till the exam is completed
  • Students’ images, screen images and audio files are captured and stored for any future verification
  • Third party body and face detection during exam
  • Head movement detection
  • Live exam streaming of candidates
  • Virtual invigilators and virtual classrooms created
  • Blocking of Ports/Pen Drive/Dual Screens
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