PwD Friendly Websites – Making Digital World accessible for All | World Sight Day

PwD Friendly Websites – Making Digital World accessible for All | World Sight Day

Author : admin

January 27, 2020

Accessible and handy websites allow a larger segment of society to access the internet and look for information. Today, government, administration, corporate houses, merchants, academic & educational institutions, etc. are working for a parallel and common motive of enabling persons with disabilities (PwD) to not only move around freely physically but also in the digital world. There are efforts all around so that the PwD doesn’t feel that they are lacking when it comes to basics of not only their movement but also for their entertainment, gaming, sports, and other recreational activities.

Web giant Google has made it clear that ‘web sites should be created for the user and not for the sole purpose of ranking’. Thankfully, people have taken notice and gone ahead by designing websites which even the PwDs can utilize by adding features such as

  1. Alt tags
  2. Screen reader Access
  3. Options for enlarging texts
  4. Contrast Theme etc.

Today, the universality of web is such that everything related to education, health care, employment, commerce, government, recreation, etc. is available on phones, laptops, and other handheld devices. This is a silent revolution that shouldn’t be limited to a few people, instead, it should be ensured that no one is left untouched. This will also serve the larger purpose of inclusiveness which almost all entities preach but not many practices.

The biggest development in this field, in continuation with many other efforts, has been the initiative of the government of India, the ‘Accessible India Campaign’ or ‘Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan’. As a collective view, universal accessibility is critical for ensuring equal opportunities. In case of PwDs, for them to live conveniently and independently, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), to which India is a signatory, under Article 9 casts obligations on the Governments for ensuring to PwDs accessibility to

(a) Information

(b) Transportation

(c) Physical Environment

(d) Communication Technology and

(e) Accessibility to Services as well as emergency services (

It is with this vision that the government has made serious efforts in not only reaching out to the PwDs but enabling them access for equal prospects. The notable points here are accessibility under information and communication technology. Websites, mobile apps make up a large share of these fields. It is a step in the right direction and goes on to show that the policymakers genuinely care for their citizens. The private sector has also made excellent progress and taken initiatives in this regard.

Accessibility barriers can be easily overcome through web technologies. A website which is accessible, enables easy interaction and gives access to information, specially for PwDs and can remove the remaining hurdles and barriers in the way of convenience of PwDs is among the biggest service which can be done to these people who need special care and attention. Choose one of the Best PwD Friendly Websites Designing Company in Lucknow.